Moholoholo Wildlife Rehabilitation Centre

Foto des Eingangs des Moholoholo Wildlife Rehabilitation Centre. Links ist das Schild mit dem Namen des Zentrums zu sehen, in der Mitte sieht man ein Schiebetor.
Entrance to the Moholoholo Wildlife Rehabilitation Centre

The Moholoholo Wildlife Rehabilitation Centre was founded in 1991 and mainly takes care of injured, poisoned or orphaned animals from the region. Furthermore, the Moholoholo Wildlife Rehabilitation Centre deals with the relocation of animals that are considered a threat to man-made settlements, for example. The approximately 1,000 visitors to Moholoholo every month learn about the difficulties and challenges involved during guided tours.

As part of the relocations, the institution also contributes to research on, for example, the movement patterns of the animals. For this purpose, they are equipped with GPS trackers before their release into the wild. Another example of Moholoholo’s commitment is the reintroduction programme for servals. These have actually long been an extinct species in the region.

The centre is able to cover the costs of its activities through donations and entrance fees from visitors. In addition, the guided tours contribute to raising awareness of current environmental problems.

For more information on Moholoholo’s work, current admission prices and other information, please visit the Moholoholo website.