Boat trip on the Blyde River Dam

Foto vom Ausblick auf die Three Rondavels aus dem Tal des Blyde River Canyon. Das Foto wurde während einer Bootstour auf dem Blyde River Dam aufgenommen.
View of the Three Rondavels from the valley of the Blyde River Canyon. The photo was taken during a boat trip on the Blyde River Dam.

Various boat tours are offered on the Blyde River Dam. On the one hand you can dive directly into the landscape of the Blyde River Canyon and on the other hand learn more about this natural area. The Blyde River Canyon is the third largest canyon on earth and is overgrown with greenery all year round. But in general, this canyon is known for its diverse flora and fauna. Many species of birds, fish and antelopes live there, but crocodiles and hippos can also be found in the canyon.

From the Blyde River Dam you have a direct view of the Three Rondavels. I have already briefly introduced and illustrated these in this article. The Kadishi Tufa Waterfall is also a popular destination for boat tours on the Blyde River Dam. This waterfall is one of the largest tufa waterfalls in the world. A tufa waterfall is a waterfall that continues to grow due to sediment deposits that are washed up with the water. The sedimentary rock, the so-called tufa, is deposited at the waterfall. Visitors often compare the impressive view of the approximately 200-metre-high Kadishi Tufa waterfall with a crying face. For this reason, it is often referred to as “the weeping face of nature”.

How do I organise the boat trip?

The boat tours are often offered in groups. However, because these tours are very popular, it is advisable not to book them too soon in advance. The providers of such tours often offer booking systems directly via the World Wide Web. For example, tours can be booked via the Blyde Canyon Safaris website or via the Blyde Canyon Adventure Centre.