
Whether it’s hiking through breathtaking and unique natural areas, boat tours, flights or quad rides – you can pursue a variety of activities in the surroundings of Lethabong Mountain Lodge.

Below is a listing of some of the activities you can do in the area around Lethabong Mountain Lodge. If you would like to read the full article on any of the activities, simply click on the post image or post title.

Foto des Eingangs des Moholoholo Wildlife Rehabilitation Centre. Links ist das Schild mit dem Namen des Zentrums zu sehen, in der Mitte sieht man ein Schiebetor.
Moholoholo Wildlife Rehabilitation Centre
Entrance to the Moholoholo Wildlife Rehabilitation Centre The Moholoholo Wildlife Rehabilitation Centre was founded in 1991 and mainly takes care of injured, poisoned or orphaned animals from the region. Furthermore, the Moholoholo Wildlife Rehabilitation...
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Foto vom Ausblick auf die Three Rondavels aus dem Tal des Blyde River Canyon. Das Foto wurde während einer Bootstour auf dem Blyde River Dam aufgenommen.
Boat trip on the Blyde River Dam
View of the Three Rondavels from the valley of the Blyde River Canyon. The photo was taken during a boat trip on the Blyde River Dam. Various boat tours are offered on the Blyde River Dam. On the one hand you can dive directly into the landscape of...
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Foto eines Elefanten, der ein Sandbad nimmt und dafür seine Haut "einpudert".
Kruger National Park
Elephant taking a sand bath The Kruger National Park is South Africa’s largest game and nature reserve, covering an area of almost 20,000 m2. Locals also refer to this area as the Lowveld. The park is located in the north-east of the country and...
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Foto des Blyde River Canyon mit Blick auf den Blyde River Damm
Blyde River Canyon and Panorama Route
The Blyde River Canyon, which covers about 29000 hectares, stretches along the Drakensberg escarpment region and is considered the third largest canyon in the world. The canyon, which is overgrown with greenery all year round, is best crossed via the...
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